17: Eco-brick Structures
March 1, 2020
The Pearl Protectors are BACK!
The Pearl Protectors were invited again by ‘Let’s Build Great Things’ to evaluate and to construct items using the Eco bricks the children had made. This follow up session was much anticipated by The Pearl Protectors since it was a brain storming session for all volunteers as to what can be constructed using the Eco-bricks. The Pearl Protectors had in previous times made Eco-bricks, but this was the first time where an item was created using the eco bricks.
Idea - To Build an Eco-brick Table and Two Stools:
The children turned up at the Building Hope children’s center with much enthusiasm and brought along many Eco-bricks that they had built. The children also brought in plastic waste items to build more Eco-bricks at the centre itself. With much enthusiasm, the children along with The Pearl Protectors and teachers built a sufficient number of eco bricks to build a table and two stools.
Ideation with students
Illustrations by Irushi Tennekoon
Initially, The Pearl Protectors struggled in finding the right combination to bind the bottles where finally the solution was through a plastic glue gun and binding the eco bricks together with ropes. The children observed the binding of the bricks with much interest. Along with the stools, The Pearl Protector volunteers also built stool cushions to add more comfort to the eco brick stools.
The stools which were bonded together with 7 PET bottles (750ml) and the table with 5 PET bottles (1.5ltr) was able to contain the strength of two people standing on the stools. The 19 Eco bricks used were made using the correct standard eligible for an Eco brick.
The Eco Brick Stools and Table: Challenges
Photo by Sahani Gunasekera
Photo by Sahani Gunasekera
The main challenges faced were the different sizes of bottles being bonded together and the different heights of the Eco-bricks. These challenges were overcome by adding additional fillers in between the bricks and by calibrating the height and including height stabilizers to the Eco-bricks. The end result brought much satisfaction to all.
The Volunteers and the final product!
Future Eco-Brick Collection points in Sri Lanka
The Pearl Protectors requested the children to continue building more Eco-Bricks where the center can use them to construct more items or walls. The children were inspired and motivated to continue with the initiative where it inspired many of volunteers to be creative in constructing various other items. The organization now is planning to set a collection standard for eco bricks and call out the public to construct such bricks.
The Eco-Brick game table and stools presented at the 2020 Student Exhibition. Photo by Ranitri Weerasuriya
The Pearl Protectors appreciate the commitment and the dedication shown by the ‘Lets Build Great Things’ initiative and by the volunteer teachers at the children’s center. This partnership is bound to continue with a genuine desire to bring about a unique change the country desires!
*All unacknowledged photographic content is courtesy of The Pearl Protectors