Mini Exhibition!
3:00 pm15:00

Mini Exhibition!

  • Building Hope children’s center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Main Showcase: Street furniture ideas for Nagahaswatte

Date: 25th August (Sunday)

Time: 3pm - 5pm

Location: Building Hope Children’s center garden :

Details: The main intention of this is for a informal design review and also to get reactions from the Nagahaswatte community on the kids idea for a 'street furniture' idea for the public space right in front of the children's center. Hoping to create a positive atmosphere, and celebrate the kids big ideas. 

Call Piyumika 071 1940436  or Suren 0761623908 if any questions! or for any updates. 

If it rains we will postpone event to the following week, so please check with Piyumika and Suren to confirm if any doubt (they have WhatsApp)

Here’s how it went!

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Many Imaginings Workshop
to 9 Apr

Many Imaginings Workshop

Monday, 8 April and Tuesday, 9 April 2024
8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

The Geoffrey Bawa Trust has collaborated with Let’s Build Great Things! to create a children’s workshop featuring an arts and architecture-centred activity. This event is part of a larger school holiday programme at the Bawa-designed Ladies’ College Institute of Professional Studies.

For more information and to register, call/email: 0 (11) 257 4194 /

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Art Class Exhibition 2023
10:00 am10:00

Art Class Exhibition 2023

  • ‘Building Hope’ Children’s Resource Centre Colombo, WP, 00500 Sri Lanka (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dear Friends,

After a long pause, we finally get to invite you to our 2023 art exhibition!

After completely stopping in person classes after our 2020 exhibition in March, we resumed classes again in 2022 April. A huge debt is owed to the host of volunteers and guest teachers who came forward from LSEG Sri Lanka and by word of mouth to contribute continuously for classes. Together, they contributed to 30+ weeks of incredible lessons.

At present, the children are working quite hard to get the exhibition ready for you. In the event their families don’t make it - you being there, supporting our students creativity and cheering them along goes a very long way. 

We hope to make this year the one with the largest attendance to date - and we need your help in making that happen. We promise interactive art games, general delight and a renewed appreciation for how the arts can really empower.

We always say, ‘All we need is for you to show up!’ That’s exactly what we’re asking for when we welcome your presence at our annual art exhibition on the 22nd of January (sun)

With much gratitude,

2022 Let’s Build Great Things Volunteers:

Sathmi, Methmi, Tharshika, Avanthi, Pulith, Piyumika, Suren, Oneli, Ayuni, Ama, Ayesh & Ranitri :)

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Art Exhibition 2020
to 22 Mar

Art Exhibition 2020

  • ‘Building Hope’ Children’s Resource Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dear Friends,

I’m writing to invite you to our 2020 art exhibition!

The children are working quite hard, coming into the center more than twice a week to prepare it for you. Often their families don’t make it - so our friends being there, supporting our students creativity and cheering them along goes a very long way. 

We hope to make this year the one with the largest attendance to date - and we need your help in making that happen. We promise interactive art games, general delight and a renewed appreciation for how the arts can really empower.

We always say, ‘All we need is for you to show up!’ That’s exactly what we’re asking for when we welcome your presence at our annual art exhibition on the 14th of March (Sat). 

With much gratitude,

Sahani, Suren, Aadhi and Ranitri

In case you missed it, here’s how it went:

Many thanks to Ms. Neranjala, and volunteers Rajitha, Hashviena, Vishwajith and Piyumika who worked so hard to pull this together!

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