Dec 10: COMPETITION PART 1 - Recycled Christmas Ornaments

Assigned Teachers: Suren, Oneli, Mindula

Led by Suren Surendran


This competition is in two parts- first, the ornaments made out of recycled material.

The second is to build a whole Christmas tree out of recycled material.

Judges will select a winner on December 17, but will announcement and prizes to be handed out on December 23rd.

Students will need to bring:

  1. Recycled items in all shapes and sizes.. more variety the better. It can include- cardboard, plastic, tin, metal, leaves, rocks, sticks etc.

Students will Need to be provided:

  1. glue

  2. String/ rope

  3. Scissors

  4. Paper for sketching

Rules and Tips

  1. The competition is open to any child under 18, even if they are not from the art class. However they will need to participate ok December 10,16 and 17. please confirm this.

  2. Divide the participants into 4 teams. Each team will work together on their project.

  3. Advise the team to sketch and draw a rough idea of your complete Christmas tree with ornaments before beginning, as the two parts will go together

    1. Begin work! Advise the team divide work so they can get a lot done in a little time. Volunteers and teachers should help participants to solve technical problems, but you have to decide on the ideas on your own.

      Together with the Christmas tree, you will be judged on the following criteria:

      1. Clever use of recycled material

      2. Originality and innovation of design ideas

      3. Craftsmanship and teamwork

Schedule as follows:

Dec 10 12.30-2pm Making ornaments.

  • Dec 16 9-5pm teams will have the freedom to gather at the children’s center and start working on their Christmas tree

    Dec 17: 12.30-2pm finalizing their artwork

    Dec 17: 2pm judges arrive to judge the competition

    Dec 23: Prizes will be distributed

Today you will work on the Christmas ornaments.

Here’s some inspiration!