Jan 28: Create an illustrated recipe for your favorite food

Assigned Teachers: Suren, Avanthi


What’s your favorite food? Do you know how to make it? Does anyone at home know how to make it? This lesson involves learning how to make your favorite food and drawing an illustrated step by step guide - known as a recipe card! You will learn to illustrate the raw ingredients, utensils, pots and pans as well as the final dish in an attractive manner.

After the class you can exchange recipe cards and try these recipes out!

You will need:

  1. Instructions and advice on how to make your favorite recipe from an elder.

  2. watercolors or paint

  3. pencil, Eraser

  4. Paper


Step 1: Draw a sketch layout of your recipe. of the ingredients and Steps, and final product.

Step 2: Size out how big you are going to draw each ingredient and item. Sketch details in pencil

Step 3: Color the images

Step 4: Use your best handwriting to write a title for your recipe card such as ‘sugar Cookies’ or ‘Paratha and Chicken Hodi’ in any language you prefer. Then write the steps in smaller handwriting.

Step 5: Credit the author of the recipe - who did you get the recipe from? and credit the illustrator - you!

Here’s some inspiration for food and ingredients drawing styles!