July 21 & 28: Design Street Furniture in a child-friendly neighborhood public space (part 2)

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
Age Group: 6-16 years old
Team Work

1. Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Objective: Recap the previous session and introduce today's activities.

  • Activity:

    • Briefly review the identified locations and the final chosen spot (next to the security hut).

    • today’s goal is to design a piece of street furniture specifically for kids 

    • Discuss the importance of creating safe and enjoyable public spaces for children see images below).

2. Visualization and Observation (10 minutes)

  • Objective: Visualize the chosen location and imagine how the street furniture will fit (scale, exact location, orientation, type, etc.).

  • Activity:

    • Show images or a video of the chosen location to refresh everyone’s memory (from Piumi/Suren and Avanthi - last session).

    • Encourage kids to close their eyes and visualize the space with the new piece of furniture.

    • Discuss how kids currently use the space and how the new piece of furniture can enhance their experience.

3. Making and Problem-Solving (25 minutes)

  • Objective: Brainstorm and sketch ideas for the street furniture.

  • Activity:

    • Divide the kids into small groups (one older kid/group leader with 3 or 4 younger kids) if necessary and give them paper and drawing materials.

    • Ask each group to sketch their ideas, focusing on:

      • Function: What will the furniture be used for? (e.g., sitting, playing, climbing)

      • Form and Appearance: How will it look? (e.g., colorful, themed, inviting)

      • Identity and Composition: How does it fit with the community’s identity?

      • Safety: how can the design support a safe, child-friendly environment?

      • Strength and Durability: What materials will be used to make it safe and long-lasting?

      • Integration in Environment: How will it blend with or stand out in the surroundings?

      • Accessibility: Is it easy for all kids to use? - From where can it be accessed?

      • Rough Costing: Estimate the cost of materials.

    • Groups to share and present their sketches and ideas with the whole class.

4. Community Building (30 minutes)

  • Objective: Combine ideas and finalize the design as a team.

  • Activity:

    • Discuss the sketches and choose elements from each to create a unified design.

    • Create a large, detailed drawing or model (model to be continued next session) of the final design on a big sheet of paper.

    • Ensure the design clearly demarcates the area as a kids’ space, where they can play or relax and feel safe.

    • Consider adding elements like bright colors, soft materials, and playful shapes to emphasize it’s for kids, feel free other elements as required

    • Discuss and finalize the materials needed, ensuring they are safe and durable.

5. Conclusion and Reflection (5 minutes)

  • Objective: Reflect on the design process and the final product.

  • Activity:

    • Gather the kids in a circle and ask them to share their favorite part of the activity.

    • Discuss what they learned about design and working as a team.

    • Highlight the importance of creating spaces that are safe and fun for kids.

    • Thank everyone for their contributions and efforts.