March 23 @ Saara Nilla: Mazes and Labyrinths

Have you ever walked through a life size maze? It can be relaxing, some times adventurous! It’s a fun way to play while understanding the manipulation of space, just like architects do.

Today you will hear a an Ancient Greek story about a Maze and a Minotaur and later, after walking through a giant maze, design your own!

You will need:

  1. Printouts of Maze and Labyrinths (below)

  2. Pencil + Eraser

  3. Drawing paper

  4. Pastels or any other type of coloring material


Step 1: Listen to Eshara’s Story, about Theseus and the Minotaur.

Storytime: Theseus and the Minotaur

(Eshara will read this)





Step 2: Go outside to Saara Nilla’s permaculture garden and look for the labyrinth. Take a walk and imagine a Minotaur at the center!

Step 3: After returning to the classroom, use the handouts with mazes to draw a way to get through the mazes. What is a Maze, and what is a labyrinth? (Print out the below image as a handout and give students)

Handout 1 (please print for the class):

Handout 2 (please print for the class):

Step 4: Draw a square or a circle on paper and design your own Maze or Labyrinth.

Here’s some inspiration!