July 07: The Big Traffic Jam

Assigned Teachers: Ruwanmalee, Piyumika Suren


Todays exercise is more of a game, or a warm up workshop to encourage team spirit and creativity.

See the below images for instructions:

You will need:

  1. A BIG sheet of paper laid out on the floor (suggestion: in the children’s center courtyard in front of classroom)

2. Random objects found in the classroom and in the garden

3. Paint brushes and paint of bright colors laid out around the piece of paper


Getting ready

Spread some big rolls (or paste some paper together to make a big sheet) on the ground. Lay some ‘obstacles’ evenly across the paper- old CD’s, cones, cups, boxes, books, rocks etc. you want as many different shapes as possible, as these will leave empty spaces on the paper when removed later.

Part 1:

  • Dip your paintbrush in the paint, find a starting point on the paper and put a brush there.

  • Now, imagine your paintbrush is a car taking you for a ride. Keep it on the paper and watch out for any obstacles (you mustn’t get any paint on them). and..

  • Ready, Steady, GO!!!! Have a nice trip :) Encourage students to move around and travel far. All the students will have to cross over each other when they take their paintbrush for a ride. Stop when the paper is full of lines,

Part 2:

  • Take away the obstacles

  • Add some pencils and pens to the mix and reduce the paintbrushes,

  • Imagine the lines that are drawn are roads.

  • Draw the town around the roads. We will need trees,houses, shops, bridges, people. (read the text in the photo about the importance of the leaders role.. you!)

For Volunteers reference: