August 06: Art Competition

Lesson Date: August 06, 2023

The topic of the Art competition is 'සංහිදියාවේ සිත්තම’.

We think it translates to ‘நல்லிணக்கம் ஓவியம் தானே or ‘picturing harmony’ in Tamil and English.

Here is the original art competition brief. It is due on August 14.

You will need:

-a sheet of paper that is 14” x 18”

-drawing utensils




Step 1, Discussion: Discuss among each other what you think the title of the art competition means, and what could be possible examples of it.

(Teachers: This is sometimes a politicized topic, and also the fact that it is promoted by the department of prisons must mean something. how would this influence what the judges want to see in competition entries? Food for thought and also perhaps worth a discussion)

Step 2: Draw a 1” border around your paper. Your picture should be drawn inside it.

Step 3: Draw a small sketch on a rough paper before beginning your drawing.

Step 4: Get to work on your competition entry!