Feb 25: Art for the Senses - Touch

Assigned Teachers: ranitri, piyumika, Suren

 Sculpting for the Senses: Creating for the Vision Impaired / Blind

Duration: 1.0 hour

Introduction (8 minutes)

  • Introduce the topic of the class: creating sculptures for individuals who are vision impaired or blind.

  • Discuss the importance of art accessibility and inclusivity.

  • Explain that today they will be using their creativity to make sculptures that can be experienced through touch rather than sight (show videos 1+2 (link below) to the kids)

Visualization and Observation (7 minutes)

  • Engage the students in a brief discussion about the senses and how people who are blind or vision impaired experience the world, based on the videos watched

  • Show examples of sculptures designed for touch, emphasizing texture, shape, and form (show video 3 (link below)

  • Encourage the students to close their eyes and imagine what it would be like to experience a sculpture through touch alone, and how they would describe to a blind their mother/father/brother/sister (like in the sculptor video you just watched)

You will need:

  1. Clay- provided in the class

  2. A cup with water

Making and Problem-Solving (35 minutes)

  • Provide the students with sculpting materials - clay for modeling, students should sculptor something that blind students can feel and understand, anything is allowed

  • Guide them through the process of sculpting their own creations, emphasizing the importance of texture and form.

  • Encourage problem-solving as they work through challenges translating their ideas into tangible sculptures.

  • Offer assistance and support as needed, ensuring that each student feels included and capable of creating.

Community Building (7 minutes)

  • Facilitate a sharing session where students can describe their sculptures to each other or blindfolded, they can explore/touch other students' sculptures

  • Encourage them to use descriptive language and focus on their creations' tactile experience.

  • Emphasize the importance of empathy and understanding in creating art for diverse audiences.

  • Allow time for questions and feedback from their peers.

Conclusion and Reflection (3 minutes)

  • Lead a brief reflection on the experience, asking students to share what they learned and how they felt about creating sculptures for the vision impaired / blind.

  • Discuss the impact that art can have on people of all abilities and the importance of inclusivity in creative expression.

  • Encourage students to continue exploring ways to make art accessible to everyone.

Extra info for Volunteers

Annette KlockenbuschComment